This is brand new Bint El Sudan. This is the original and Authentic Bint El Sudan from Nigeria. A very powerful and super fast acting Spiritual Oil in the world. This has a nice musky fragrance which attract LOVE, FAVOR, GOOD LUCK, SUCCESS, VICTORY AND MANY MORE.... ITs also good for business and protection from all evil and spells. You will receive ( 1) 12ml bottles of this amazing red top spiritual perfume oil. It can be use directly on your body or it can be added to your cream and apply it on your body. Or whatever is best for your use. It can be use for bathing, purification, cleansing, protecting and for Spiritual works. EXTERNAL USE ONLY!!!!
This is brand new Bint El Sudan. This is the original and Authentic Bint El Sudan from Nigeria. A very powerful and super fast acting Spiritual Oil in the world. This has a nice musky fragrance which attract LOVE, FAVOR, GOOD LUCK, SUCCESS, VICTORY AND MANY MORE.... ITs also good for business and protection from all evil and spells.
You will receive ( 1) 12ml bottles of this amazing red top spiritual perfume oil.
It can be use directly on your body or it can be added to your cream and apply it on your body. Or whatever is best for your use.
It can be use for bathing, purification, cleansing, protecting and for Spiritual works.
オリジナルのビント エル スーダン (ビントゥ) スピリチュアル オイル。
これは新品のビント エル スーダンです。ナイジェリア産のオリジナルで本物のビント エル スーダンです。世界でも非常に強力で超即効性のあるスピリチュアル オイルです。愛、好意、幸運、成功、勝利などを引き寄せる素敵なムスクの香りがします。また、ビジネスやあらゆる悪や呪いからの保護にも効果的です。
この素晴らしいレッド トップ スピリチュアル パフューム オイルの 12ml ボトル (1 本) をお届けします。