Prices of items are subject to change based on market prices. Please note that prices may change suddenly.
Please note that there may be small scratches, dents, hollowness, white chips, etc. even if the item is rated PSA 9/10. Please check the condition of the item in the pictures to prevent any problems. If you need additional pictures, please feel free to contact us before purchasing. We will ship in a sleeve for psa.
We may have several cards of the same name in stock, so please comment if you would like more
Prices of items are subject to change based on market prices.
Please note that prices may change suddenly.
Please note that there may be small scratches, dents, hollowness, white chips, etc. even if the item is rated PSA 9/10.
Please check the condition of the item in the pictures to prevent any problems.
If you need additional pictures, please feel free to contact us before purchasing.
We will ship in a sleeve for psa.
We may have several cards of the same name in stock, so please comment if you would like more
#イーブイヒーローズ ブイマックス V MAX スペシャル
#ポケモンカード、大量、未開封、sr、プロモ、リザードン 、box、ボスの司令、リーリエ、旧裏面、#ポケモンカードゲーム、gx、まとめ、未開封、引退、psa、ピカチュウ、ひかる、ミュウツー、高騰 デッキシールド 超爆インパクト 烈空のカリスマ ウルトラムーン ダークオーダー デッキケース ポケキュンコレクション ウルトラシャイニー ナイトユニゾン タッグボルト フルメタルウォール ダブルブレイズ ジージーエンド スカイレジェンド ドリームリーグ ウルトラフォース