Your Hit Parade 1946Time Life Music HTP-082 x レコード, LP, CompilationUS:1989年ジャンル:Jazz, PopBing Crosby - Sioux City SueLes Brown And His Orchestra - I Got The Sun In The MorningFrankie Carle And His Orchestra - Rumours Are FlyingKay Kyser And His Orchestra - Ole Buttermilk SkyDinah Shore - You Keep Coming Back Like A SongPerry Como - Prisoner Of LoveElla Fitzgerald And Louis Jordan - Stone Cold Dead In The Market (He Had It Coming)Johnny Mercer - PersonalityPeggy Lee - I Dont Know Enough About YouFreddy Martin And His Orchestra - Doin What Comes NaturllyFrankie Carle And His Orchestra - Oh! What It Seemed To BeThe Ink Spots Stan Kenton And His Orchestra Perry ComoBing Crosby And The Andrews SistersDinah ShoreSwing and Sway With Sammy KayeFreddy Martin And His OrchestraBetty HuttonThe Ink SpotsMargaret Whiting Perry Como Les Brown And His Orchestra Swing and Sway With Sammy Kaye新品 シールド未開封シールド未開封なのでレコード盤は検盤して無いです。保存用にお勧めです。(BX23-8-4)